Lakota Jewelry
As you peruse this site, please keep in mind that the photos herein are meant to present merely a sampling of custom jewelry design possibilities. If you have specific design requirements, an open invitation is extended for a meaningful dialog with the artist. Click"Contact"to speak with Jhon.

In totality, Jhon Goes In Center’s abilities skillfully bring to fruition the concept of wearable art: the Art of Personal Adornment. Constantly striving to create from within the Lakota paradigm, Goes In Center’s creations embody the Spirit of the land through the relationship of Agates and other Prairie gems found in the homeland of his ancestors.
Goes In Center’s appreciation of ancestral philosophies in combination with his present worldview provides the inspiration to take Lakota personal adornment beyond the clichè while honoring ancestral artistic creativity. This is evident in use of thematic designs relevant to the on going Lakota way of life. Goes In Center considers each piece he creates a multi-dimensional medium, bringing the beholder to a greater appreciation of the relationship we have with all of Creation.

Storied Designs
THE GREAT RACE clickButton.
“In my opinion jewelry is the perfect art form, dimensional and visual. The processes are exacting and challenging. Metal and beautiful stones… The wearer becomes my gallery and shows my work to the world.”
…Jhon Goes In Center

November 2017
THE BRINTON 101 - The Brinton Museum, Big Horn, Wyoming, is an invitational exhibit featuring nearly 300 works of art in varying media, from artists across the country. This show opens to visitors on Thursday, November 9th, and continues through December 17, 2017. For a video explanation of the Lakota story behind the bracelet design, and the origin of its inspiration, please CLICK the above link.