Lakota Great Race Ring
Sterling Silver w/ Lakota Fairburn Agate
An original Jhon Goes In Center Signature design

The Lakota legend describes the formation of the Black Hills to the Great Race, a tremendous earth shaking event to which all the animals of the earth were summoned for a competition, thus to establish order out of predatory chaos. Gathering on the prairie, the animals joined in a race around a course laid out for them. The earth shuddered and groaned beneath their weight and pounding hooves until the ground subsided, causing of a majestic pile of rocks to form on the inside of the track—Paha Sapa, the Black Hills. The blood from all the wounded feet left a band of red encircling the Hills. The Buffalo was running the fastest, As he neared the finish line, the Magpie who was riding on this back jumped off, crossing the finished line first; thus winning the race for the two-legged beings.

As an original design, this ring commemorates the Great Race. Buffalo hoof and Magpie bird tracks adorn the ring band while a South Dakota Fairburn Agate represents the uplifted rocks that form the Black Hills.