Western Heritage Style Jewelry
The concept of Western Heritage wearable art from this Lakota artist, Jhon Goes In Center, draws upon a contemporaneous world view and of plainly understanding that it is- “how things just turned out.” As a participant in the sport of rodeo, Goes In Center is well acquainted with the competitive nature of rodeo peers and their system of honor and pride. True to the nature of his Lakota heritage as well as the Cowboy culture, the common thread is horsesNavigation Button. . At home in both worlds, Goes In Center understands the code of honor within the ultimate sport with horses. Out of this experience is born a style of Cowboy and Western Heritage event trophy belt buckles— a style uniquely his own.
“I have come upon an interesting concept of jewelry and have applied this to my own style of Rodeo and Western trophy belt buckles that touches upon the heritages of the American West. My style incorporates traditional Plains Indian design motifs to an already existing style of western jewelry.”
…Jhon Goes In Center
As you peruse this site, please keep in mind that the photos herein are meant to present merely a sampling of custom jewelry design possibilities. If you have specific design requirements, an open invitation is extended for a meaningful dialog with the artist. Click"Contact"to speak with Jhon.